Saturday, January 10, 2009

New Blog people

Hey started a new blog for Mollie and I so you can get rid of this one and we will both be posting on that one now. It is Add us and lets keep the bloggin strong

Fishin on Strawberry with Lynn and Mom

Well while I was home on leave after deployment Lynn and mom took me out on strawberry for a fun day of fishing. It was a little cold but so fun it didn't matter. I had never been fishing from a boat before so that was cool to learn. Lynn taught me how to troll and how to use the fish finder and all that. I haven't ever really had the chance to learn how to fish so this was way fun. I wanted to be able to do it all so I put the worm on the hook, I caught it pulled it in and held it down while Lynn pulled the hook out. I attempted to pull it out one of the times but the stupid bugger swallowed the hook so it didn't work out so well :) It was a good day, I think I caught four and Lynn caught three. None of them were big enough to take home so the only thing we took home was dang good time

I know, I know, I know

Ok so I know it has been waaaaay to long since I have been on here so now i'm making up for lost time. I am posting all of my pictures to bring myself up to date. Until I figure out how to put them in order they probably will be pretty mixed up so dont even worry about that :)

Friday, January 9, 2009

hello to the world out there :)

Well everybody, as you all have guessed by now, I made it to Germany. I know I suck at the whole writing on my blog thing because I'm more of a picture guy. I like to look at them more than reading. Any who, I made it. I finally got my own dorm room on base, it is a 10' X 15' room that shares a bathroom with the room next to me. It is definitely small but kind of cozy. We have a single bed that is kind of funny. All of us dorm dwellers call them the race car beds because they feel like they should be in the little plastic race car frame. Well the weather has been pretty fun gettin used to, going from Las Vegas at 50's to here were it was 6 this morning. Luckily I was fortunate enough to have my wonderful fiance help me out so I was able to buy myself a 900 dollar mean green machine. It is a 89 Mazda 121, the coolest car in the world probably. Oh P.S for everybody that hasn't herd I asked Mollie to marry me on Christmas day. No I wasn't there so I had to do it from half way around the world but I think it worked because she said yes :) The date is set for May 9th and we are having it at Wadley Farms in Lindon, definitely more to come on that. Well I know the whole blog thing is whats hip these days so I will definitely give it my best effort to stay updated on here. I hope everybody had a merry Christmas and happy new years. I'm sorry to all of my family and friends that I wasn't able to see or talk to as much as I would have liked but I guess that's the military for ya huh. I will keep posting my pictures on my adventures through Germany and keep updates about the wedding. Thank you all for being so supportive of me and helping me through rough times. I hope to be able to repay you all some how. Thank you again and I love you all

Sunday, January 4, 2009

First of Germany